How do I activate a Datto Secure Edge software client?


How do I activate a Datto Secure Edge software client?


  • Datto Secure Edge


When Datto Secure Edge software client is installed, the end-user must request access from MSP and the MSP will then grant access.

After the users have been added, an email will be sent to the new subscriber that includes the Organization Code and a link to download the Secure Edge software from Datto.

Figure 1: Welcome email

5. After installing Datto Secure Edge you will be prompted for the Organization Code, followed by your login credentials. When the setup has been completed, Secure Edge will provide you with the Network Name, Your IP, Cloud Gateway IP, and Tunnel Uptime.

Figure 2: Secure Edge connected

6. After the user has been provisioned, they will be listed as a Subscriber in the Subscriptions in Use section of the Network Manager.

Figure 3: Subscriptions in use

Figure 4: Subscriber emails